Category: Health
16 Proven Ways To Lose your weight without dieting and exercise

Surprising, isn’t it?
In general, weight loss is always pictured to be a demanding task that requires you to put in a lot of hard work and sweat. Looking at this challenging picture, many postpone their weight loss plans or simply withdraw from it. But weight loss is not rocket science. Several people have been there and have lost a …
10 Health Benefits of Scots Pine Pollen

We all are familiar with the pine trees, but you will surprise to know its medicinal properties especially the pine pollen. Pine pollen is the most potent supplement that helps to treat many diseases and maintaining hormonal levels. It’s an incredible superfood highly rich in Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, and healthy compounds.
What Is Pine Pollen?
Pine pollen …
When your family may need physiotherapist?

Physiotherapy is a medical treatment process which helps to treat people of all ages who have medical conditions such as injury, postural defects, and Joint pain etc. by physical therapy. A physiotherapist will help you to overcome the problems encourage activities and lifestyle changes that help prevent further injury by implementing customizing physical therapies. S/he may work on improving your …
5 Short-Term & Long-Term Effects Of Marijuana On The Brain

Every marijuana consumer should know the effects of cannabis on the brain
Marijuana can have both short- and long-term effects on brain development and functionality.
In fact, researchers are still studying and discovering the different ways marijuana use temporarily and permanently alters and impacts the brain.
With the debate over cannabis legalization heating up globally, it’s increasingly important to find …
6 Health Benefits of Milk Thistle

Milk thistle is a 2,000-year-old medicine which can cure serious problems related to liver and pancreas. If you look at the plant, you might confuse it with some harmful plant that can cause serious damage. But, it contains miraculous healing powers for your health. An extract from milk thistle plant and known by the name Silybum marianum. The noticeable ingredients …
How does oral health affect diabetes?

5 Ways Diabetes Can Affect Your Oral Health and Ways To Treat Them
Diabetes is a silent killer and it can creep up to you without you finding out. Your body may be indicating that the blood glucose level is fluctuating but you may confuse the symptoms with some other disease.
Studies have shown that diabetes affects other parts of …
Types of Sleeping Disorders
February 17, 2019
Health, Lifestyle
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Guest Post
Do you have difficulty sleeping at night? Do you wake up in the middle of the night and are unable to fall back to sleep. When you wake up, do you feel tired instead of feeling refreshed? If all these questions irritate you then you may be suffering from a sleeping disorder. This disorder is also called insomnia where a …