Category: Health

মোটা হওয়ার সহজ উপায়: ১০টি কার্যকরী টিপস ও স্বাস্থ্যকর জীবনযাত্রা

মোটা হওয়ার সহজ উপায়

আমরা প্রায়ই শুনে থাকি মোটা হওয়ার কথা। কেউ কেউ যাদের পাতলা শরীর তারা প্রায়ই চায় মোটা হতে, আবার কেউ মোটা হওয়া থেকে বিরত থাকতে চায়। তবে, শারীরিক গঠন নির্ভর করে বিভিন্ন কারণের উপর, যেমন: জিনগত গঠন, ডায়েট, জীবনযাত্রা এবং ব্যায়াম। তবে, মোটা হওয়ার জন্য আপনাকে সঠিক পরামর্শ, ডায়েট পরিকল্পনা এবং জীবনযাত্রার কিছু নিয়ম মেনে চলতে হবে। আজকের এই আর্টিকেলে …

Best CLA Supplements

Best CLA Supplements

CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) supplements have gained popularity for their potential health benefits. Here are some key points about the importance of CLA supplies:

Weight Management: The metabolic effects of CLA have been extensively studied. Many studies have shown the ability to reduce body fat and increase lean muscle mass. CLA can help with cholesterol, fat storage, metabolism, weight loss,

Mold Effects on Human Health


Mold is a type of fungus that has small organisms and is found almost everywhere. Mold generally can cause very harmful effects only when present in a large amount.

Here, one of the very important facts about mold that we need to care about is when present in a small amount, they generally remain harmless but their number grows rapidly …

Benefits of Physical Therapy for Children

Physical therapy

An observant parent would notice well how their kids are doing activities in their routine lifestyle. There might be kids who can’t communicate or interact properly due to their development issues which are generally known as Autism Spectrum Disorder. Parents must take them seriously as it could lead to various other issues in the future.


Areas where Physical Therapy …

Tips to Keep Skin Soft and Glowing In Winter

Tips to Keep Skin Soft and Glowing In Winter

Sustain Skin Beauty in winters with the natural solution and home remedies as well. Winters are the most rigid season for skin and we suffer various harassments on skin.


Due to change of temperature, our skin unable to adjust with the weather and your skin dries out with cracks. During the weather of winters, your soft skin goes to …

Benefits of Green Tea

Green Tea

Green tea has been notable among tea consumers in Asia for a significant period of time. It’s a key piece of the customary drug in China and has been adored for its restorative focal points. Today, it’s a champion among the most, for the most part, consumed refreshments from India and China to the United States and South America.

To …

18 Healthy Skincare Tips for Winter

Healthy Skincare Tips for Winter

Winter weather always has an impact on your skin and is not a good time for your skin. Chilled Weather and low humidity level result in dry air, which takes away moisture from the skin consistently throughout the day. Without prompt consideration, dry skin tends to crack and start bleeding, also the grating winter winds make the problems worse during …

10 Essential Foods That Help Fight Common Cold

10 Essential Foods That Help Fight Common Cold

There are literally hundreds of viruses that can cause a common cold. Not surprisingly, most of us have to deal with anywhere between 2-4 infections every year. While a common cold is usually non-threatening, it can be annoying, to say the least. Your energy levels plummet, you feel miserable, you struggle to simply catch a breath, and you lose your …

Wondering How To Get A Toned Body To Flaunt This Summer

7 Workout Moves For Women To Rack Up A Perfectly Toned Body

Summer season is right around the corner. Hope you know you’re running short of time to tone your body! Don’t forget, summer bodies are sculpted in winter. With the term body toning, many of you might get an idea of making those muscles firm. Well, it’s way beyond …

What are the benefits of riding a motorcycle?

benefits of riding a motorcycle

7 health Benefits related to motorcycle riding, It’s more than just fun!!

Bike riders like you are very well aware of the feeling when you lean your body on its attractive curves and softly throttle out. With that, you get a sense of freedom and you ride like a free bird!!! Off course you are very well aware that motorcycle …